Monday, April 21, 2008

rant rant

OMG I really need a holiday. Like a REAL holiday. No emails, no phones, no nothing. I'm feeling so totally burnt out it's not funny.

I'm perpetually sleepy and tired and exhausted no matter how much I sleep. Hmmm or am I sleepy and tired and exhausted from suddenly sleeping too much?? Ah whatever - a short break is in order and I need to rejuvenate myself before .... before .... ermm ... before I go spiralling down in exhaustion I guess?

I'm going through a funny phase right now. Have you ever been in a situation where you know what you need to do but it kills you to do it? Well I'm doing that now, flushing all the toxic people and toxic everything out of my life so I can live happily ever after!!

Toxic people are the ones I classify as the people in your life who makes you feel bad about yourself, people who brings about so much negativity or negative feelings into your life, people who have the ability to mess up the unhappy feelings, I guess. I know to a certain extent there should be self control and one can argue that you only feel what you allow others to make you feel. I'm a strong believer in that too but if you can identify the ones who can conjure up these negative feelings, isn't it a proactive thing to do by cutting them out from your lives? Or at least, minimise the paths crossed?

It's funny how we can be so hugely affected by people who make us feel bad and yet there are those comes into our lives and tries so hard to make us smile and to make us happy....we either take them for granted or we do not notice them at all. I have started to notice these 2 groups of people in my life.....

And if I can choose how I want to live my life and how I want to feel about my life then....out with the negative, in with the choice.

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