Since BubbleKris is temporarily MIA, I shall do the honour of the public announcement. Girl, you’re officially like 28 YEARS young like the rest of us!!! Anyway I shall write for both me and BubbleKris because I am sure she will say the same to you. :-)
Woman, good times, bad times, happy times, sad times, funny times….we’ve been in each other’s lives for soooooooo long. The wrong haircuts, weird outfits, wrong boyfriends, weird boyfriends, right boyfriends….the parties, the gossip sessions, the sister get togethers, the skipping classes, the cooking sessions…we’ve been through quite a bit haven’t we?
I don’t know how I would have pull through all these years without you and BubbleKris; the both of you have been such a steady, constant pillar of strength for me and all I can say is I must have really done something soooo right in my past life to deserve the BOTH of you in my life.
Thank you for being the annual photographer for all my birthday parties. Thank you for being there through my puking sessions on my birthday EVERY year. Thank you (not) for taking photos of me peeing in the toilet. Thank you for coming up with the Spaghetti ala TjinMich recipe with me. Thank you for being the best co-chef for the world’s best nasi goreng sambal belacan letup with me. Thank you for being there when I was sobbing my eyes out. Thank you for being supportive when I’m happy and when I needed it. Thank you for laughing with me all these years and for being there with me to find the humour in life. Thank you for just being you and for being my sister / my “lookalike”.
I’m not going to write much, I could go on and on about how I feel about the both of you and our friendship / sisterhood but I think you already know. So here’s a series of 0.0005% of the photos we have taken over the years.
Anyway Happy Birthday again woman, you truly deserve all the happiness in the world.
Woman, good times, bad times, happy times, sad times, funny times….we’ve been in each other’s lives for soooooooo long. The wrong haircuts, weird outfits, wrong boyfriends, weird boyfriends, right boyfriends….the parties, the gossip sessions, the sister get togethers, the skipping classes, the cooking sessions…we’ve been through quite a bit haven’t we?
I don’t know how I would have pull through all these years without you and BubbleKris; the both of you have been such a steady, constant pillar of strength for me and all I can say is I must have really done something soooo right in my past life to deserve the BOTH of you in my life.
Thank you for being the annual photographer for all my birthday parties. Thank you for being there through my puking sessions on my birthday EVERY year. Thank you (not) for taking photos of me peeing in the toilet. Thank you for coming up with the Spaghetti ala TjinMich recipe with me. Thank you for being the best co-chef for the world’s best nasi goreng sambal belacan letup with me. Thank you for being there when I was sobbing my eyes out. Thank you for being supportive when I’m happy and when I needed it. Thank you for laughing with me all these years and for being there with me to find the humour in life. Thank you for just being you and for being my sister / my “lookalike”.
I’m not going to write much, I could go on and on about how I feel about the both of you and our friendship / sisterhood but I think you already know. So here’s a series of 0.0005% of the photos we have taken over the years.
Anyway Happy Birthday again woman, you truly deserve all the happiness in the world.

hehe...one of our many random tipsy photos
we just loooove the camera don't we
honestly one of the BEST outings we had, @ souled out, hartamas
partners in crime....organisers for Kristy's "sorry we're too busy to do anything this year" surprise party
we even make toilet rolls look fashionable haha... @ kristy's hen nite
getting ready for kristy's big day
the legendary souled out photo
with part of kristy's indecent cake

We love you woman!